Question: How would you like it if Jehovah took a vacation from you?
Answer: Since 'Jehovah' and 'Jehovah's Witnesses' are synonymous terms from their line of thinking, I wouldn't mind it in the least. That's the problem with this religion. Be it a two day weekend or month long holiday, everyone needs a vacation. What sort of employer would actively encourage their employees to try to get some serious work done while on holiday? As anyone who has managed subordinates would tell you, that kind of slave driving mentality takes a huge bite out of morale and encourages huge turnover rates. The Society has long run their religion as a business, so it's about time they started thinking about their own members' morale and mental health, while finding creative ways to retain the people they do have. Every place I have worked at had at one point or another bought lunch for their employees and at least one social event a year at a restaurant. Why can't the Society shell out $50 for a pizza night after the meeting at the KH? The only social events in the JWs are planned completely independent of Brooklyn. Whatever fun there is to have at these events, they want to regulate anyway. The folks who spawn these dictates need to be the first to practice what they preach. So after they're finished speaking at a convention in Hawaii or a quaint Euro city, they need to have a quick sandwich and hit the streets in street witnessing instead of having filet mignon at their 5-star hotel restaurant. Only then should people ever consider taking time off from holiday to serve their publishing empire.